Friday, November 30, 2012

November 29

For lunch today me and Kris went to an estate sale at a mega mansion! Things were picked over by the time we got there but it was still cool! Then mom came up and Hil and Nicki came over and we had potato pizza and went to see the final Twilight was surprisingly not horrible!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 27

My two favorite guys for dinner. And another picture of Eric and Roxy...I'm noticing a trend.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 26

Waffles turned into waffle sandwiches, Eric and his baby, and the attachment Eric used to make sweet of him to make them, so I can't even make fun of him!

November 25

Sunday's to relax. And relax means our version of Cincinnati chili, a new blanket(!), and Eric teaching Roxy bad habits!

November 24

It's Christmas for the Westras!

November 23

Today was spent sleeping, shopping, finishing crafting Christmas gifts, cleaning and cooking. Then we went over to Meengs, and this happened. :)

November 22

Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm thankful for so many things in my life, but mostly for the people. And if you're reading this blog then you're one of those extra special people I'm thankful :)

November 21

I went home early with Hilary to help with thanksgiving prep and get some of moms TLC :)

November 20

Yay for prescriptions!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 19

Well, I am at home sick, but I wasn't alone! Del came and built me my benches! So excited to get them painted and cushions made for them!

November 18

Out to the lake for dinner on Sunday, perfect stop for Eric on the way to Chicago for work.
Proof that dad loves Roxy

Roxy could NOT get enough of running on the beach. Adorable.

November 17

Got a lot done on Saturday! Eric hung blinds in our bedroom....finally! yay!...and cleaned out the garage!...wahoo!!!...I also bought Christmas gifts, but obviously those can't be shown ;)

November 16

Friday with friends! Cards are always a good game plan. 

Roxy managed to steal Bumpers bone...

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 15

Best. Surprise. Ever.
Eric came home early!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 14

A fantastic concert at Calvin!
Bonus: we had front row!
My fellow concert goers - whom I had never really met before!

Front row! So close!

Miniature Tigers....Hilary has a great pic of the lead singer literally singing right in front of me. He came to the crowd and he was probably 3 inches in front of fact he spit on my when he sang - that part was gross.

This man is darling. Lead singer of fun.

Honestly one of the most talented singers I've ever heard. Amazing vocals. #lovehim